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Yanni organizes a small party for someone who has inspired her.

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Annie recalls when she decided to begin her working life in Shanghai.

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As Yanni prepares for a project, the Butler explains what "craft" means to him.

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The Butler describes his current stage in life.

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To keep up with the accumulation of items, Annie decides to open a shop.

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Once completed, Yanni Cai's "Meal for One" project gains substantial popularity.

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Chinese entrepreneurs share some advice for those seeking inspiration to do their own thing.

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To waste or not to waste: that is the question.

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There is more than one way to solve a problem. Look at things from different perspectives and maybe you'll be able to come up with even better solutions.

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Being kind is a choice. Be kind to the environment because our future generations will still have to live in it.

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"Peach Blossom Utopia" received the Best Short Film Award at the 2006 Handsome Monkey Animation Awards in China. In the same year, at the DigiCon 6+2 Contest sponsored by Japan Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc., it received the First Place Golden Award.

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This fisherman lives by the bank of Wuling River. Life has been hard for him. However, one day, a miracle happens.

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The fisherman accidentally stumbles into a place that looks a lot like utopia, where he is welcomed and treated like an honorable guest.

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The fisherman thinks he must be in heaven upon stumbling into new locale where the people entertain him with copious amounts of their best food and wine. Here, there is neither a government nor taxes looming over them and people treat one other with mutual love and respect.

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The fisherman has to leave, but also wants to make sure that he can return to this wonderful place. What can he do?

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Was the fisherman deceiving the others and/or himself? Did they find utopia in the end? Watch and find out.

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The idiom "bu dong zhuang dong" is used to describe someone who pretends to know about something, but is, in fact, clueless. In this video, a man often "bu dong zhuang dong" in order to look smart. Unfortunately, he only adds to his embarrassment when he is found out.

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Do you know whether ginger grows on the ground or in a tree? Unfortunately for the man in this video, neither does he.

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This idiom literally means "to wield an axe in front of Lu Ban" and mocks someone who makes a fool of himself by showing off in front of an expert. It was coined by a Ming Dynasty scholar.

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The idiom of "Bai Fa Bai Zhong" comes from a legend about an amazing archer in ancient China. See what he did to earn his place in the Chinese lexicon.

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This story brings alive the Chinese idiom about contentment. It depicts how a small little bird that is not strikingly beautiful stays happy every day.

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This video explains the origin of the Chinese proverb "Ai Wu Ji Wu."

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