xià qu
to go down
to descend
to go on
to continue
huō chu qu
to throw caution to the wind
to press one's luck
to go for broke
kàn shang qu
it would appear
it seems (that)
guò qu fēn cí
past participle (in European grammar)
huó bù xià qu
impossible to make a living
kàn bu guò qu
cannot stand by idly and watch
unable to put up with it any longer
jǐ shàng qu
to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)
qū qu r
(dialect) cricket (insect)
Xià Jìng qú
Xia Jingqu (1705-1787), Qing novelist, author of monumental novel 野叟曝言[Ye3 sou3 Pu4 yan2] Humble Words of a Rustic Elder
xiàn zài shì guò qu yào shi
Today is the key to the past.
tīng bù jìn qu
not to listen
to be deaf to
wěi qu
to feel wronged
to cause sb to feel wronged