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Faced with such serious smog and haze, a reporter from Henan speaks with residents about PM 2.5 masks that are useful for blocking dust and smog. A doctor is also interviewed about the effectiveness of such masks and how residents can prevent diseases caused by smog in their daily lives.

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I always say, if even in loving a person, humanity is restrained by itself, then the end of the world has already arrived. There's no need to wait until the day the earth is destroyed.

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Already knowing that heartbreak is always inevitable, why are you cherishing a long and lasting affection? Because loves are always “loath to part from each other.” Then
why do you take to heart that tiny little bit of gentleness?

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Fish Leong's live cover version of Sandy Lam's "Don't Care Who I Am."

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How do the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year? What are the special customs that one must learn? Let Mengjiao go through them with you!

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There's a host of logistical issues to consider during the chaos Chinese New Year brings. Here's one most people overlook: parking your car. Check out these tips on how to prevent fireworks, thieves and car alarms from wreaking car-based holiday havoc.

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On the streets of Chengdu, a new type of hair pin is all the rage.

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This tutorial teaches you how to do makeup for interviews to give a good first impression to your potential employers. Part one explains how to choose and apply base.

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This video is an introduction to the famous hutongs of Beijing.

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This video is an introduction to the origins and location of the Shaolin Temple, the center and origin of Shaolin kung fu.

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If something is meant to be, then what is yours is yours.

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Cherish everything that you encountered, because you might never see it again.

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The joy of collecting comes from when someone can resonate with you through his/her work.

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Your collection can be anything that is meaningful to you.

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Sometimes you might need to give up what you love but then you can cherish it in another way.

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Collecting is hard. One must know how to pick out the classics that will last in order to be called a real "collector".

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Yao Chien is a famous lyricist in the Chinese music industry. This interview talks about his other hidden identity as a collector.

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The artist talks about how in his day conversation was more lively and people weren't looking at their phones all the time.

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The artist talks about how art progresses and how that progression has to move slowly.

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What kinds of things do you like to do for vacation - particularly winter vacations? Going to a hot spring is surely a favorite choice. Well, what kinds of things should you think about before going on a hot spring vacation? This episode of "Yummy Yummy" gives you some pointers - including what to eat and what not to!

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Which soup is the best during winter? Watch as Chef Fu shows us his very special soup with 雪莲果 (xuelianguo, or “yacón”). Yacón looks like a yam, but tastes like an apple. It is also the hot new ingredient being added to soups all over China. Watch and see what customers think of it!

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What do chameleons and rice balls have in common? Find out in this video about creative ways of making food more interesting!

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In this video, we finish up with the colored rice balls and move on to another fun snack - donuts! Donuts are becoming more and more popular in China, and they aren't your plain old boring donuts, either. Learn all about 甜甜圈, or tiántiánquān, in China!

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Is it a restaurant? A toy store? Both? Learn all about this adorable dessert shop in China where you can get more than just a meal.

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You might think that a restaurant that offers dolls in exchange for points would be more attractive to women than to men. However, you might be wrong! See what everyone finds so fun about this place, from the design all the way to buns that look like pigs!

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In the doll restaurant, there is one dessert that stands out, and that's the strawberry smoothies! They aren't your normal, boring old smoothies, either. Watch this video and see why everyone is eating them.

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This warm, clean, and, of course, delicious Taiwanese restaurant would normally be a real wallet-drainer. Fortunately, with the help of group buying, many of the dishes here can be sampled at a fraction of the usual price. Watch this video and check out some of the exquisite, yet affordable, dishes on offer.

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From "red crab rice cakes" to a pork cheek delicacy, this restaurant has it all. How exactly are these delectable dishes made? We head into the kitchen to get some answers from the chef himself.

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So, you've seen Chinese-style vermicelli. Maybe you've even tried it yourself. However, have you ever seen bright red vermicelli? In this "Yummy Yummy" video, feast your eyes on a wild new vermicelli of a different color.

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Buddhist cave art was greatly influenced by Indian Buddhist art and emerged in China along with the spread of Buddhism starting in the Han Dynasty around the 1st Century A.D.

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What was the origin of China's famous Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Caves? Find out here.

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A continued exploration of some of the historical and artistic qualities of the famous Buddhist sculptures in China's Mogao Caves.

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Learn how the features of the Buddhist statues found in caves in China evolved throughout history.

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This clip takes us to the historical aesthetic of the breathtaking Fengxian Temple of the Longmen Caves, which contains the magnificent Lushena Buddha.

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This clip displays the exquisite beauty of the Dazu Grotto statues. They are unique in that they depict not only religious figures but also the peacefulness of secular life.

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This video shows the care and precision taken in the making of the Grand Buddha grotto statues, ultimately culminating in a stunning example of great artistry.

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This video is an introduction to the famous hutongs of Beijing.

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This video introduces the various types and styles of Beijing siheyuan.

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This video is an introduction to Beijing's Luogu Lane, also known as "Centipede Street."

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