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This video is an introduction to the famous hutongs of Beijing.

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How do the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year? What are the special customs that one must learn? Let Mengjiao go through them with you!

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There's a host of logistical issues to consider during the chaos Chinese New Year brings. Here's one most people overlook: parking your car. Check out these tips on how to prevent fireworks, thieves and car alarms from wreaking car-based holiday havoc.

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I always say, if even in loving a person, humanity is restrained by itself, then the end of the world has already arrived. There's no need to wait until the day the earth is destroyed.

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Already knowing that heartbreak is always inevitable, why are you cherishing a long and lasting affection? Because loves are always “loath to part from each other.” Then
why do you take to heart that tiny little bit of gentleness?

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Fish Leong's live cover version of Sandy Lam's "Don't Care Who I Am."

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This tutorial teaches you how to do makeup for interviews to give a good first impression to your potential employers. Part one explains how to choose and apply base.

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On the streets of Chengdu, a new type of hair pin is all the rage.

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Faced with such serious smog and haze, a reporter from Henan speaks with residents about PM 2.5 masks that are useful for blocking dust and smog. A doctor is also interviewed about the effectiveness of such masks and how residents can prevent diseases caused by smog in their daily lives.

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Xi Zhi Nong speaks about some of his best moments as a wildlife photographer.

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If something is meant to be, then what is yours is yours.

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Cherish everything that you encountered, because you might never see it again.

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The joy of collecting comes from when someone can resonate with you through his/her work.

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Your collection can be anything that is meaningful to you.

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Sometimes you might need to give up what you love but then you can cherish it in another way.

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Collecting is hard. One must know how to pick out the classics that will last in order to be called a real "collector".

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Yao Chien is a famous lyricist in the Chinese music industry. This interview talks about his other hidden identity as a collector.

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The artist talks about how in his day conversation was more lively and people weren't looking at their phones all the time.

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The artist talks about how art progresses and how that progression has to move slowly.

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Things get heated as the group versus individuality debate continues.

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Every role is important, no matter how small.

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For the first time, these young performers are getting the attention they deserve.

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These drum performers have brought to the "Heritage" stage the traditions of China's villagers.

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Ms. Gong Lin Na teaches people ways to produce sound.

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Ms. Gong Lin Na and Mr. Mao were brought together by the Liuliu tone.

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This tutorial teaches you how to do makeup for interviews to give a good first impression to your potential employers. Part one explains how to choose and apply base.

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The eyebrows play a very important role in makeup.The second part of this makeup tutorial teaches you the eyebrows that you should use for an interview.

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The third part of this tutorial teaches you how to apply eyeliner to create a clean and fresh look for your interview. Following the eye makeup, refined lip makeup is needed to finish the look.

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After applying the perfect makeup, the next thing that one needs in order to leave a good impression is the right outfit. This part of the tutorial will teach you how to dress to impress for the interview.

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This video introduces the basic parts of the guitar and what happens when you tighten or loosen its strings.

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This video introduces the fingerboard and frets of a guitar and how they are used to make different sounds and changes in pitch.
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Miao's uncle decides to treat their American visitor, Susan, in a "diplomatic" fashion.

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Miao and Susan play a prank on Xiao Yong, making him believe that Miao has undergone a transformation.

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"Bài Nián" is a term for the Spring Festival tradition of paying visits to family and friends.

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While saying blessings is another Chinese Spring Festival tradition, one has to be careful of the blessings he or she chooses!

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