Showing 240 of 1225 videos
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Although many people aren't aware of it, China's deaf-mute community is actually quite large. To attend to their needs, a special workshop was established.

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The workshop enables these members of the deaf-mute community to earn money through their work as well as expressing themselves through their crafts.

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No longer outcasts, through the studio, they are able to adapt to the real world and become a part of society.

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Imagine getting a haircut at a local Chinese hair salon in Hangzhou.

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As each of the barbers has his or her own specialty, together they make a great team.

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Since the shop has been around for over fifteen years, there are many returning customers.

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Although it may have started as a way to earn money, the barber shop has become a part of their lives.

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Have you ever thought about growing and raising your own food? That is what C is doing. Let's hear his story.

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At first, farmers in the new area didn't trust C's farming method. In order to convince them, C took the farmers on a tour of one of his farms.

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While many consider the world Mother Earth, C has a different thought about this: As the land is our child, we must take good care of it.

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Owning a Harley Davidson is the dream of many freedom-seeking men.

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Riding a Harley also requires one to train his body to take on the challenge of long journeys.

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Although it's hard to find true freedom, a Harley provides you with this sense.

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A Harley will make you forget about your age and follow your heart.

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Miao's uncle decides to treat their American visitor, Susan, in a "diplomatic" fashion.

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Miao and Susan play a prank on Xiao Yong, making him believe that Miao has undergone a transformation.

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"Bài Nián" is a term for the Spring Festival tradition of paying visits to family and friends.

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While saying blessings is another Chinese Spring Festival tradition, one has to be careful of the blessings he or she chooses!

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When Miao's uncle accidentally gets drunk in an attempt to keep up his image, how will his image fare?

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Although getting drunk can be fun, it just might get in the way of one's attempt to convey a positive image.

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When adjectives are used as predicates in Chinese, there are three forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative.

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People often do crazy things when they are drunk. What kind of show have you put on in that state?

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With Susan staying with them for Chinese New Year, Miao's family feels a bit unsure how to act in front of the foreign guest.

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On their way home from the temple fair, Mai and Susan meet Mai's neighbor, Sister Liu.

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