Showing 384 of 451 videos
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Love gives Fang Chao the courage to make an important decision.

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Upon learning about his secret, Fang Chao's parents force him out of the house.

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Not a Common Day: It all starts with a simple greeting on a beautiful morning... Learn the vocabulary of a very basic introduction in this video.

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On their first date, Tim asks Nini about her family background and life.

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Nini learns that Tim is a music composer and Tim shares a song he created with her.

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difficulty - Newbie Newbie

Nouns Animals

Introducing 30 kinds of animals in Mandarin. Include the most common kinds such as dog, cat, pig, chicken.

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Shu" and "Xu."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Chi" and "Qi."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Zhi" and "Ji."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Shi" and "She."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Zhao" and "Jiao."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Zhe" and "Zhi."

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Watch as a man pops the question to his girlfriend in public in front of hundreds of people. Will she say yes?

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月亮代表我的心 is a Chinese classic. Whether you find it cheesy or not, it is a staple at the karaoke parlors. This version by Qi Qin is arguably the most famous. Watch, learn the lyrics and impress your Chinese friends at the KTV!

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difficulty - Beginner Beginner

S.H.E. Superstar

S.H.E. is a Taiwanese girl group and "Superstar" is the hit single from their 2003 album of the same name. The lyrics are fun and repetitive, so this song is a good one to learn for karaoke.

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A highlight of Chinese food markets is the large amount of fresh, delicious, and affordable fruit. Check out this video and learn how to buy fruit in China!

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Shanghai's Yu Garden is a must-see for any visitor to the city. In this video, check out not only the garden itself, but also the the very Shanghainese area around it as well.

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Is it possible to be too handsome? It just may be. In this humorous short, learn how being overconfident can lead to some pretty hilarious misunderstandings!

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A bunch of guys running around town lost and picking on the locals... what's their deal? Watch this humorous short and find out!

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Listen to this make-believe story about how the twelve animals were selected to be the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. What terrible thing did the rat do to get its bad reputation and why do cats hate rats?!

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In order to appreciate wine, you have to start with the fundamentals. In this video, get a basic introduction to the world of fine wines.

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Before you even take your first sip of a wine, there’s a lot you need to know. From pouring, to swirling, to smelling, this video has it all.

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Just when you think you’re ready to sample a wine, there are a few essentials that you can’t forget. In this video, let Martin the expert fill you in on just exactly what they are.

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Want to know how what the differences are between Old World wine and New World wine and how exactly you can differentiate them? Watch this clip.

Showing 384 of 451 videos
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