Showing 288 of 452 videos
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My grandmother was not one to sit back in times of turmoil. She was politically active and performed across the country promoting Nationalism. Her courageousness even lead her to be detained by the Japanese.

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My impressions of my grandma were mostly based on pictures we exchanged in letters. Her beauty and style influenced me a lot when I was younger.

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Grandmother always took great care in her appearance and she expected the same from us. Red nail polish, makeup, earrings were an important part of her daily routine even into her later years.

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This video explains why a honeybee dies after stinging someone.

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This video explains why we shouldn't eat fruit that has gone bad.

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This video explains why picking our noses not only doesn't look nice, but can also be harmful to our health.

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This video explains the different circumstances under which hair might fall out.

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This video explains how giraffes evolved to have the long necks they have today.

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This video explains why fresh vegetables are important to the body's overall health.

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This video explains why a fish's body is covered in mucus.

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Since ancient times, hairy crab has always been the top delicacy in China, especially in the southeast region. Many people love eating hairy crab, but not everyone knows how to eat it correctly. Find out what the best way is to eat this delicious delicacy.

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If you've just moved to China, one of the first things you're going to want to do is look for an apartment to rent. Watch this video and learn how to go about it.

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When looking for an apartment, there are some important questions you may want to ask the landlord before visiting.

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How much is the monthly rent? That's a question you'll surely need to ask the landlord when looking to rent a place in China.

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Just because the landlord has given you his initial price, that doesn't mean the discussion is over. In this video, learn the essential skill of bargaining in Chinese.

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So, you've finally settled on a place. There are, however, still some things to do in the renting and moving process. Learn how to talk about moving in and finding a company to help you do so.

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Different cultures have different eating habits. Learn not to make the same mistake as Rachel!

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Pick up some words and expressions for taking your Chinese friend out for a meal.

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What's your preference, cooking or cleaning up? Chinese food or Western food? Learn how to make these choices!

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Time to do the dishes – and learn what to call them in Chinese!

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For many people the art of cooking comes naturally, but no one is born with the skill. And for many, no matter how long they try, they just can't get the touch.

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Surfing the web is great way to pick up some Chinese. How do you go about getting online in China?

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Living with a roommate is great for sharing rent and other expenses – plus it's usually more fun than living alone.

Showing 288 of 452 videos
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