Showing 96 of 348 videos
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Loura catches Kimi trying on her sexy lingerie. Both are shocked and Kimi hurries to explain.

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Evonne checks on her transformer with Mr. Zeng. A buyer that claims to be God has made a bid. Mr. Zeng unsatisfied with the low bid wants to drive the price up.

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Sean's date with Xiaoxue takes a turn for the worse when they run into Loura at the bar. Loura is very suspicious about Xiaoxue and Sean's relationship.

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The transformer Mr. Zeng and Evonne posted on Taobao just got another hit. Kim is excited someone else has recognized the worth of the transformer and has countered his original offer of 3000. The bidding war begins!

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Sean takes his date home only to have his date run into Kimi in her lingerie. Somehow Sean manages to get Kimi to play the part of his distant cousin, but the two still get in a heated argument.

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Sean unearths Kimi's seduction plan and is appalled, but he's more worried about what this means for their rent arrangement.

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Eric comes home with good news only to find a beautiful girl he doesn't know sitting on the couch. The two get to talking and there seems to be a bit of chemistry. Meanwhile, Sean and Kimi are still fighting in the bedroom.

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Xiaoxue and Eric hit it off while Sean and Kimi continue to argue.

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Kim is excited the transformer he was watching on online just sold for a big price. He is even more excited to share this good news with Evonne.

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In this first of a 15-part series about supply and demand, consumption, global markets, gas prices, oil - and much more - listen to an international panel of experts weigh in on the issues.

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In this second video of a series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets, listen to our guests talk about how they see the rising price of gasoline affecting people's daily lives.

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As an only recent mass consumer of oil, how has China been affected by the oil crises of the past? In this third video in a series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets, listen to our experts weigh in on China's role in how these crises have played out.

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What do our experts think caused the world's current oil crisis? Find out as they each respond to the question in this fourth video in our series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets

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Listen to an international panel of experts weigh in on the issues in this fifth video of a series about supply and demand, consumption, global markets, gas prices, oil and much more.

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Will the world face another oil crisis in the future? What conditions could potentially cause one? How might one be prevented? In this sixth video in our "Brain Storm" series about oil markets, listen as our audience – as well as Mr. Long and Mr. Huntington – weigh in.

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How does our expert, Mr. Ke Yan, feel about the possibility of a coming oil crisis? Have a listen and find out in this seventh episode from our "Brain Strom" series on oil, supply and demand, and global markets.

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In this eighth part of our "Brain Storm" series, learn about China's current and future oil consumption. Also, listen to what some of our experts have to say about which issues are currently most in need of being addressed.

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Oil will not last forever. Issues of energy efficiency and conservation are of the utmost importance as we head into the future. Watch this ninth video in our "Brain Storm" series and find out how our panel of experts sees these issues as they pertain to China.

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In this 10th video in our "Brain Storm" series about oil consumption and China, our guests get into the details of fuel taxation. How does China compare to the rest of the world? What path do our guests think China should take with regards to fuel taxes? Watch and find out.

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In this installment of our "Brain Storm" series on China and oil consumption, see what one of the audience members thinks about fuel prices and taxes, alternative energies, and transportation in general.

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In part twelve of our Brain Storm series, we hear once again from one of our audience members who asks a fairly loaded question about car culture, marketing and fuel efficiency.

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What about technology? Infrastructure? How do these things play a role in the development and consumption of resources? Watch this 13th part of our 15-part Brain Storm series, and get some insight from not only our panelists, but audience members as well.

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International cooperation is surely an important part of any country's oil and energy policies. So what about regional cooperation in East Asia? In this installment of our "Brain Storm" series, listen to another audience member's question about cooperation between China and Japan, as well as a panelist's response.

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In the final and 15th video in the Brain Storm series, listen to one last audience member ask a question about currency control and exchange rates, and how these issues relate to gas prices and fuel consumption in China and the U.S - and of course, see our panelists respond!

Showing 96 of 348 videos
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