Showing 72 of 355 videos
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A heated debate arises over whether the inequality issue is a school problem or geographical problem.

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A guest from an American university speaks on education equality and fairness.

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Should there be more control of China's capital account liberalization?

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Chinese enterprises are using trade to achieve an influx of foreign capital, although the validity of the reported exports may come into question.

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A more transparent process needs to be in place to mitigate risks in the flow of capital.

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A professor discusses human emotions and how they share a close and interconnected relationship with our internal organs.

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Professor Fan discusses the relationship between the liver and anger and its correlation with the irritability experienced by females during menstruation.

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Professor Fan discusses the relationship between thought and the digestive system and why drivers who drive long distances have gastric problems.

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Professor Fan discusses grief and the lungs as well as how immense fear affects our ability to control the kidneys.

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Professor Fan discusses how extreme changes in emotion can damage the "Qi" in the five viscera.

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Professor Fan explains why you must anger someone to the point of tears during an argument.

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Professor Fan emphasizes the importance of rules and having a good grasp of such rules in everything we do.

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Professor Fan uses the process of birth and life to explain why there is never a need to fear pain.

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Professor Fan tells us how we can all be content with nothingness.

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Professor Fan discusses the idea of "Ren" and its importance in maintaining healthy relationships.

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Professor Fan tells us how we can nurture a healthy mind and how it will improve our lives.

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The idea of vegetarianism started in China thousands of years ago. So, let's find out why people started to become vegetarians.

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It feels good to start the New Year off with a bowl of veggie noodles.

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Longhua Temple's veggie noodles are a traditional dish that one eats for the New Year. Six hundred bowls of these noodles can be made in just one hour.

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As the most delicious vegetarian dishes come from the temples, a visit to one may be in order to try top vegetarian dishes.

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The Jade Buddhist Temple in Shanghai is famous for its vegetarian meals. It is a must-try if you are into veggie dishes.

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Behind every dish, there is a meaning. This vegetarian dish is called "Understand and Embrace."

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The lotus flower is a symbol of Buddhism. Therefore, a vegetarian dish is made with this concept in mind.

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One needs creativity to cook an impressive dish. The Bead Curtain is a very interesting vegetarian dish that uses aloe as its main ingredient.

Showing 72 of 355 videos
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