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The Chinese characters for animals oftentimes look like the animals themselves.

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As a pictographic language, Chinese characters often look like the objects they represent.

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If you look at the character for elephant, one might see a representation of the elephant with a long trunk, four legs and a tail. This is why Chinese is known as a "pictographic" language.

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In the Chinese language, you can combine characters together to form a different word.

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This video talks about the Chinese words for plants.

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If you look at the characters related to plants, you will notice that most of them contain the "tree" or "grass" radicals.

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This video teaches you how to say the names of some musical instruments.

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This video teaches you how to say the names of some sports and hobbies.

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We begin a guided mediation. First, we should breath and relax.

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In part 2 of our guided meditation we imagine our ideal morning.

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in our guided meditation we imagine what it is we want to do today.

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In this video we are asked to imagine our perfect life and all the thing's that accompany that.

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In our guided meditation we take a vow to have an amazing day.

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Our guided meditation comes to a close with a positive outlook on the day a head.

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Sure, you've heard of Chinese new year, but how about Chinese Mid-Autumn festival?

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Every year, Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. One the most important aspects of this celebration is the moon. Watch this video and learn a few key phrases and fun words associated the Mid-Autumn Festival and the moon itself!

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Susan is visiting her friend for Spring Festival. Let's see how a Chinese family celebrates this holiday.

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Susan accidentally runs into her friend's family members in the street. Not knowing who they are, she is given the wrong directions and heads further away from the house.

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There are two ways to say hello in Chinese: "ni hao," the informal way, and "nin hao," the manner that shows respect.

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After receiving the wrong directions, Susan is now lost and needs to find her way to her friend's home.

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Although Susan has finally found her way, her friend's family mistakes her for another person.

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Things get weirder when Susan gets mistaken for Xiao Wei's girlfriend.

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When Mai Miao returns home, everything finally becomes clear.

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After Mai Miao introduces Susan to her family, they happily celebrate the New Year.

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