Xī qīng
Xiqing suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]
kāng qián shèng shì
booming and golden age of Qing dynasty (from Kang Xi to Qian Long emperors)
wù xū zhèng biàn
coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Cí Xǐ tài hòu] ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty
Lǐ xué
School of Principle
Neo-Confucian Rationalistic School (from Song to mid-Qing times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Cheng Hao 程顥|程颢[Cheng2 Hao4], Cheng Yi 程頤|程颐[Cheng2 Yi2] and Zhu Xi 朱熹[Zhu1 xi1])