Xī dé
West Germany
German Federal Republic 德意志·聯邦·共和國|德意志·联邦·共和国[Dé yì zhì · Lián bāng · Gòng hé gúo]
Lán cāng jiāng
Lancang River of Qinghai and Yunnan, the upper reaches of Mekong River 湄公河[Méi gōng hé] of Southeast Asia
Dōng dé
East Germany (1945-1990)
German democratic republic 德意志·民主·共和國|德意志·民主·共和国[Dé yì zhì · mín zhǔ · gòng hé gúo]
gōng hè
to congratulate respectfully
to express good wishes