jì shù
xìn xī jì shù
information technology
tōng xìn jì shù
communications technology
jì shù zhǐ dǎo
technical instructor
jì shù fā zhǎn
technological development
gāo jì shù
high technology
high tech
jì shù qíng bào
information technology
shēng wù jì shù
abbr. to 生技
jì shù gù zhàng
technical breakdown
kē xué jì shù shì dì yī shēng chǎn lì
Science and technology is the number one productive force (from 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平 introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化).
jī yīn jì shù
genetic technology
Guǎng dōng Kē xué jì shù Zhí yè Xué yuàn
Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology
kē xué jì shù xiàn dài huà
modernization of science and technology, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations
Lián hé Jì shù Gōng sī
United Technologies Corporation
zhōng děng jì shù xué xiào
technical middle school
miàn xiàng duì xiàng de jì shù
object-oriented technology
xìn xī yǔ tōng xùn jì shù
information and communication technology, ICT
Jiā zhōu jì shù xué yuàn
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
also written 加州理工學院|加州理工学院
zhōng guó háng tiān jì shù jìn chū kǒu gōng sī
China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation (CATIC)
guó lì Tái wān jì shù dà xué
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
dǎo dàn wǔ qì jì shù kòng zhì zhì dù
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
shǒu xí jì shù guān
chief technology officer (CTO)
Guó lì Tái wān Jì shù Dà xué
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology