Huáng dì
Yellow Emperor, mythological emperor of China, reigned c. 2697-2597 BC
Yán dì
Flame Emperors (c. 2000 BC), legendary dynasty descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
Tiān dì
God of heaven
Celestial emperor
sān huáng wǔ dì
three sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2] and five emperors 五帝[wu3 di4] of myth and legend
the earliest system of Chinese historiography
Huáng dì nèi jīng
Yellow Emperor's internal canon, medical text c. 300 BC
Hàn Wǔ dì
Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (141-87 BC)
Luó mǎ Dì guó
Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
mò dài huáng dì
the Last Emperor, biopic of Pu Yi 溥儀|溥仪 by Bernardo Bertolucci
Dōng dì wèn
East Timor (officially Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)
fǎn dì
wǔ dì
Five Emperors from legendary times
possibly tribal leaders before the historiographers got working on them
usually taken to be Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4] and four of his sons Zhuan Xu 顓頊|颛顼[Zhuan1 Xu1], Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4], Tang Yao 唐堯|唐尧[Tang2 Yao2], Yu Shun 虞舜[Yu2 Shun4]
Bái dì chéng
Baidi town in Chongqing 重慶|重庆, north of the Changjiang, an important tourist attraction
dì zhì
autocratic monarchy
imperial regime
Suí Yáng dì
Emperor Yang of Sui (569-618), said to have murdered his father and brother to seize the throne, reigned 604-618
Dōng jīng dì guó dà xué
Tokyo Imperial University (renamed Tokyo University after 1945)
Suí Wén dì
first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604
Jiàn wén dì
reign name of second Ming emperor, reigned 1398-1402, deposed in 1402 (mysterious disappearance is ongoing conspiracy theory)
Hàn wén dì
fourth Han emperor Han Wendi (202-157 BC), personal name Liu Heng 劉恆|刘恒 reigned 180-157 BC
huáng dì zhái jīng
one of the earliest classics about Fengshui
Hàn Xiàn dì
Emperor Xian of Han (181-234), the final Han emperor, set up by Dong Zhuo 董卓, reigned 189-220, forced to abdicate 220 by Cao Pi 曹丕
Dà Qīng dì guó
the (great) Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Qing empire
Shén shèng Luó mǎ dì guó
the Holy Roman empire (history)
Yà lì shān dà dà dì
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)
Nǚ huáng dì
refers to Tang empress Wuzetian 武則天|武则天 (624-705), reigned 690-705
Huáng dì de xīn yī
the Emperor's new clothes (i.e. naked)
Ào Xiōng dì guó
Austro-Hungarian empire 1867-1918
É luó sī Dì guó
Russian empire (1546-1917)
Wèi Wén dì
Cao Pi 曹丕, emperor of Wei 220-226
Dì Kù
Di Ku or Emperor Ku, one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4], great-grandson of Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4]
Yán dì líng
Fiery Emperor's tomb in Yanling county, Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan
dōng Luó mǎ Dì guó
Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453)
Qín Shǐ Huáng dì
the First Emperor 259-210 BC