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Allowing people to make connections with particular products, each ad is unique in its own way.

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Ideas are often inspired by their surroundings, like light bulbs that suddenly light up.

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Designs are fascinating in that each individual might interpret them in his or her own way. How would you brand yourself?

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The purpose of design is to make people's lives easier and happier. Which design do you like best?

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Our society is full of smaller systems that help us function as a whole.

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To create social innovation, everyone must work together.

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Moxi Zishi describes the "wildness" of his childhood.

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Moxi Zishi delivers a bit of warmness to a local primary school.

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Moxi Zishi explains the reason the desire for education is so strong.

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Moxi Zishi explains why his father is still present in the Daliang Mountains.

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I always say, if even in loving a person, humanity is restrained by itself, then the end of the world has already arrived. There's no need to wait until the day the earth is destroyed.

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Already knowing that heartbreak is always inevitable, why are you cherishing a long and lasting affection? Because loves are always “loath to part from each other.” Then
why do you take to heart that tiny little bit of gentleness?

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You always say there is a lot of time, you can wait for me. I didn't understand before that there is a "tomorrow" for sure. Missing you is like a breathing pain.

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Fish Leong's live cover version of Sandy Lam's "Don't Care Who I Am."

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A simple simulation shows that even a low-speed rear-end collision has the potential to cause severe injury for passengers without a safety cushion.

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Consequences could be serious for those seated in the rear middle seat during rear-end collisions.

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This video examines the front suspensions for the Land Rover Evoque and the Landwind X7.

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This video compares the rear suspension systems of the Land Rover Evoque and the Landwind X7.

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The verdict: Just how does the Land Rover Evoque compare with the Landwind X7?

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This video gives you advice about how to avoid accidents while passing in your car.

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This video tells you how to use and take care of your windshield wipers to maximize their lifespan and effectiveness.

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This video advises us on how to properly use our car air conditioner.

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This video teaches us that we should, counterintuitively, turn the AC in our cars on in the winter once a month to keep the systems running smoothly. We should do the same with our heat in the summer!

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This video tells you how to properly turn on your car engine in winter months.

Showing 672 of 2003 videos
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