Showing 144 of 162 videos
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Zhang Fang shows you how to do a hair bump in two minutes.

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This video explains why fresh vegetables are important to the body's overall health.

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Several girls are asked if they would give their contact information to a boy who strikes up a conversation with them in the street.

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This video explains why a fish's body is covered in mucus.

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A young girl sees a cleaning worker in trouble. What does she do?

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A guest from an American university speaks on education equality and fairness.

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A heated debate arises over whether the inequality issue is a school problem or geographical problem.

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A professor from the South China University of Technology speaks on inequal education resources.

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Although Fan Shibei is getting numerous responses to her request, some aren't as she had expected.

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A 21-year-old Sichuan Normal University graduate is asking for a loan of two million RMB so she can give her parents a happy and healthy life.

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The problem of education inequality in China also extends to students wishing to study abroad.

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Guests discuss inequality between educational opportunities for children in the cities versus villages.

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Inequality in education is often due to unequal opportunities and developmental disparities in different parts of a country.

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Students face discrimination both before entering university and after graduating. Why?

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Professor Lang compares enrollment rates in Henan and Shanghai to illustrate China's problem of education inequality.

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Professor Lang explains why the current system of central government funding to China's top universities is not equal.

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Professor Lang illustrates the case of education inequality using the case of China's 985 and 211 schools as an example.

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What is education equality and how do we achieve it?

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Dun is looking for new challengers while "Four Eyes" has his eye on the future. Niu is now teaching young children.

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Unable to find their favorite game anywhere in town, Dun and "Four Eyes" decide to take matters into their own hands.

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Dun and "Four Eyes" catch up at a local restaurant and reminisce about old times.

Showing 144 of 162 videos
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