Showing 480 of 541 videos
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A very touching story presented by the people who lived through this simultaneously scary and enlightening life experience- how it all started as a game and turned into a desperate effort to survive.

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The third chapter of a story of humanity and courage. Simple people walking in a park hear someone calling for help and run to rescue him and his friends, turning into instant heroes.

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The last chapter of a moving story with a happy ending. The protagonists talk about their feelings and thoughts.

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In anticipation of the 2015 CCTV Chinese New Year's Eve Festival Gala, various vendors have emerged online claiming to be selling tickets to the show. Can they be trusted?

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A 21-year-old Sichuan Normal University graduate is asking for a loan of two million RMB so she can give her parents a happy and healthy life.

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Although Fan Shibei is getting numerous responses to her request, some aren't as she had expected.

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Why doesn't China have a film rating system similar to the United States or other countries?

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A young couple is facing the problem of where to go celebrate Chinese New Year since both of them want to avoid being asked difficult questions by their own parents.

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As the couple debates where to go to celebrate the New Year, the woman's father unexpectedly shows up with a plan to uncover the lies she's been telling him about her career.

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With the help of a distant relative, the father is determined to discover the truth about his daughter's career.

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As the conversation progresses, the young woman is put to the test and asked a lot of difficult questions by her father and his accomplice.

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Looking for ways to get his daughter to tell the truth, the father and his accomplice start asking her to reconcile quite impossible situations.

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As she is faced with the first difficult situation to solve, the daughter is forced to lie once again and the ice just gets thinner and thinner.

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As she faces more and more difficult requests, her lies get more and more elaborate.

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As the situation evolves to the point where the daughter cannot lie anymore, is there anything she can do to get herself out of it?

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The moment of truth is coming closer as the lies keep building up. This time, there will be no way out.

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The truth is finally unveiled and the daughter explains to her father what her life is like.

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As the truth is revealed, the daughter discovers that the situation is nothing like she imagined.

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Shen Teng's father-in-law is about to undergo surgery. A dilemma ensues.

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Doctor Liu, a man of principle, refuses to accept bribes disguised as red envelopes.

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Doctor Liu finally relents and takes the red envelope from Shen Teng.

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Shen Teng realizes the mistake he just made.

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Shen Teng and his wife ponder over the fate of their father.

Showing 480 of 541 videos
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