Showing 456 of 813 videos
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Sun Hao Yang plays a "piano" while his sister gives him some news.

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The young man applies for a job as a piano teacher, but ends up being a janitor at the studio instead.

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Sun Yao Yang befriends a young girl from the piano studio. He tries to register for a piano competition, only to have the door slammed in his face.

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When Sun Hao Yang is bullied by a student at the studio, the young girl stands up for him.

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With some persuasion by the young girl, Sun Hao Yang is finally able to participate in the piano competition.

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Children thank the country for their charitable efforts.

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This Spring Festival, are you coming back home? Do you have a million reasons not to go home for the Spring Festival? This video is dedicated to all the parents in the world.

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Mommy needs to help the villagers build roads, so she can't be there for her son.

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Mommy may not be able to come home for Chinese New Year.

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Companies offering private cars and carpooling options are posing a very real threat to the taxi industry.

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Taxi drivers aren't happy with the advent of private cars, but it's hard to blame passengers for making the switch.

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The prevalence of private cars has led the government to take its own measures.

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Who's to blame for the fall of the taxi?

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On the streets of Chengdu, a new type of hair pin is all the rage.

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For an early age you could tell my grandmother was different. She was precocious and beautiful. An artist, a spy and a beauty her life was a whirlwind.

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My grandmother was not one to sit back in times of turmoil. She was politically active and performed across the country promoting Nationalism. Her courageousness even lead her to be detained by the Japanese.

Showing 456 of 813 videos
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