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Have you ever thought about growing and raising your own food? That is what C is doing. Let's hear his story.

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At first, farmers in the new area didn't trust C's farming method. In order to convince them, C took the farmers on a tour of one of his farms.

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While many consider the world Mother Earth, C has a different thought about this: As the land is our child, we must take good care of it.

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Owning a Harley Davidson is the dream of many freedom-seeking men.

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Riding a Harley also requires one to train his body to take on the challenge of long journeys.

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Although it's hard to find true freedom, a Harley provides you with this sense.

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A Harley will make you forget about your age and follow your heart.

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Have you ever wondered what will happen after you die?

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The death simulation is not for you to experience death, but rather for you to think deeply about how you should handle difficult situations.

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Sometimes, stress is the one thing that keeps a person going.

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If the only way for you to save hundreds of people were to torture a child, what would you do?

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Would your decision change if your family were involved?

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The world is full of malice but of course kindness is also present.

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What would you do if your parents are suffering from painful death?

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Not everything in the world can be solved with logic. But at the same time, not everything in the world can be solved using just a feeling.

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Many people tend to escape from the hardships in life.

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What is the true meaning of life? What is the true meaning of death?

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At the end of the game, every participant was given a key word. Let's see what they are.

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A perfumer tells us how his lifestyle has changed as he's grown up. He's created the ideal house for him and his numerous pets.

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A pefumer describes the features of his exquisite home.

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Two best friends who have no concept of what it means to be a lesbian figure out that they are actually in a lesbian relationship. This clip shows the moment when they realized what they were without realizing any of the societal ramifications.

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In order to put their parents minds at ease, both the women in the couple get fake marriages. Their parents don't seem to mind as long as they can maintain their respectability. Their biggest hurtle was from within the relationship.

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