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Yao Chien is a famous lyricist in the Chinese music industry. This interview talks about his other hidden identity as a collector.

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Collecting is hard. One must know how to pick out the classics that will last in order to be called a real "collector".

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Sometimes you might need to give up what you love but then you can cherish it in another way.

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Your collection can be anything that is meaningful to you.

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The joy of collecting comes from when someone can resonate with you through his/her work.

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Cherish everything that you encountered, because you might never see it again.

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If something is meant to be, then what is yours is yours.

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Art comes in different forms, shapes, sizes and mediums. In this case, driftwood becomes a beautiful form of art.

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The beauty of driftwood is its unexpected outcomes.

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The wood's color also has a great effect on its art.

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Finding something that one truly loves brings happiness to one's life.

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In the eye of one photographer, everyone should have a self-portrait, which could portray a colorful stage in his or her life or his or her life as a whole.

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Everyone has has his or her own story and the purpose of each portrait is to represent it.

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A good portrait of a person must contain his or her soul.

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This video explains the arduous process that Zheng Banqiao had to go through to become a county level official.

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Zheng Banqiao faces the reality that becoming an official wasn't at all what he expected. His colleagues don't consider the plight of the people the way he does, and upon being ousted from officialdom, he criticizes his former colleagues.

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Our Hostess shows that Zheng Biaoyan, although toughened by years of working as an official, was still that innocent young man with a strong sense of justice underneath. He came to reveal his true nature through his artwork.

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Our hostess gives us an analysis of Zheng Banqiao's paintings. Bamboo come to represent Zheng Banqiao as a man of virtue.

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After Zheng Banqiao's big revelation, his days are numbered. He can't continue living in the Qing dynasty era of corruption and he eventually dies of sickness.

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We analyze Zheng Banqiao's final painting. It's a depiction of bamboo being blown in the wind. It becomes a symbol of resistance against an unjust tide.

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Our host introduces "500 strokes" the work of a Beijing artist. This piece incorporates 500 different single calligraphy brush strokes, each with it's own inspiration.

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The artist explains his works. He describes how all of the paintings he does are really just free form and they come from the heart.

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