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Niu explains how her brother, Dun, and "Four Eyes" started to get hooked on video games.

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Niu talks about the favorite place Dun and "Four Eyes" loved to spend their time.

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difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate
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Micro-film Wan Da De Part 4

"Four Eyes" usually avoids confrontation- until one day.

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difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate
Viewer Discretion Advised

Micro-film Wan Da De Part 5

"Four Eyes" leaves his friends behind and finds a girlfriend in the city. Refusing to work for his father's company, he begins an unfruitful job search.

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After failing to find work and watching his girlfriend drive off with her director, "Four Eyes" decides to work for his father's company.

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"Four Eyes" is now a manager at his father's company while his best friend, Dun, is still hot and heavy into video games, working at a game shop and commentating on games as a hobby.

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Dun is gearing up for his first television appearance as a commentator for Supreme Entertainment.

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Dun is devastated when his very own script is given away and his lines delivered by someone else.

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By a stroke of luck, Dun reunites with long-lost "Four Eyes."

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Dun and "Four Eyes" catch up at a local restaurant and reminisce about old times.

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Unable to find their favorite game anywhere in town, Dun and "Four Eyes" decide to take matters into their own hands.

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Dun is looking for new challengers while "Four Eyes" has his eye on the future. Niu is now teaching young children.

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This video details the history of Christianity in China, namely the influential figures, Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.

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Emperor Kangxi played a major role in introducing Christianity into China.

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Listen to this make-believe story about how the twelve animals were selected to be the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. What terrible thing did the rat do to get its bad reputation and why do cats hate rats?!

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Superstitious people might have you believe that disturbing a pharaoh's tomb will curse you to die. But, is there a scientific explanation behind this phenomenon?

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What caused a Spanish tourist to pass out in the Great Pyramid? Could it be the Curse of the Pharaohs?

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People first started believing in the Curse of the Pharaohs when British Egyptologists found Tutankhamen's tomb in the 1920s and Lord Carnarvon died mysteriously shortly thereafter. What's the scientific explanation for his untimely demise?

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The Curse of the Pharaohs has apparently even struck people who have never entered the Egyptian tombs and was cited as the reason for the sinking of the Titanic.

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None of the explanations behind the Curse of the Pharaohs have been definitively proven as not everyone who has entered the tomb has succumbed to its fate. What are we to believe?

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Learn about the history of acupuncture in China and the people whose discoveries and work were integral in advancing the field.

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In ancient times, meridian networks and acupoints were used to treat illness, but researchers are only beginning to understand the effectiveness of these in diagnosing illness and examining the body.

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Medical discoveries in the U.S. and France sparked further study by China into the correlation between acupoints in the ear and the treatment of disease.

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