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After failing to find work and watching his girlfriend drive off with her director, "Four Eyes" decides to work for his father's company.

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"Four Eyes" is now a manager at his father's company while his best friend, Dun, is still hot and heavy into video games, working at a game shop and commentating on games as a hobby.

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Dun is gearing up for his first television appearance as a commentator for Supreme Entertainment.

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Dun is devastated when his very own script is given away and his lines delivered by someone else.

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By a stroke of luck, Dun reunites with long-lost "Four Eyes."

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Dun and "Four Eyes" catch up at a local restaurant and reminisce about old times.

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Unable to find their favorite game anywhere in town, Dun and "Four Eyes" decide to take matters into their own hands.

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Dun is looking for new challengers while "Four Eyes" has his eye on the future. Niu is now teaching young children.

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This story is about Han Prime Minister Cao Cao's six-year-old son, Cao Chong (196 to 208 B.C.). The theory this little boy used to weigh an elephant is similar to Archimedes' Principle (287 to 212 B.C.), which is that the weight of an object submerged in fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

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This idiom indicates that something seemingly bad may turn out to have been a good thing in the end, a blessing in disguise. The story in the video explains it quite well. And, while the idiom can also have the opposite meaning (a good thing becoming something bad), the former is more frequently used.

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There are many different Chinese idioms out there that people use today in modern Chinese. "Dui Niu Tan Qin" literally means, "Playing the Zither for a Cow." It means that some people will just never understand or appreciate certain things.

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This video concerns one of the stories from the very famous Chinese novel, "Journey to the West." It informs us from where the idiom, "to wolf down your food," originates.

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This Chinese legend sheds light on the origin of the famous saying, "How you treat others is how you will be treated." It involves the famous and influential Chinese philosopher, Mencius, giving sage advice to a king during the Warring States period.

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Learn the story behind the saying, "To kill two birds with one stone."

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Learn the story of Bole and the idiom derived from his tale.

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Find out how a passage from Cao Pi inspired the saying "to draw cakes to allay hunger" (To comfort oneself with illusions).

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This video is an introduction to the famous hutongs of Beijing.

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This video introduces the various types and styles of Beijing siheyuan.

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This video is an introduction to Beijing's Luogu Lane, also known as "Centipede Street."

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This is an introduction to the Panzhongxi, a type of folk art that exists in the Beijing hutongs.

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This video introduces the famous Siheyuan number 42, once home to famous scholar from Fu Jen Catholic University.

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Why is it that some elderly folk have "hearts of innocence."

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Every person’s life was changed in July of 1937.

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During the Second Sino-Japanese War between China and Japan in 1937, three of China's universities merged to form the National Southwestern Associated University.

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