Showing 95 of 95 videos
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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest explains which masks are ineffective against COVID-19.

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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest explains which masks should be used under which situations.

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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest explains the effectiveness of a disposable medical mask.

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A doctor from a health clinic tells how he would rather have patience think about preventative care than treat people who are already sick. The key to curing disease is our good habits.

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A Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Although it's probably impossible to eliminate plastic use completely, we should try our best to contribute to helping save the environment.

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Some countries have tried to reduce waste production by reducing the number of trashcans. Perhaps this would be a more effective method if people did not just throw trash onto the street.

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It's very sad to see what we humans are doing to the Earth. Little things can accumulate and turn into big problems.

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Even though we are taught that we should separate plastics so that we can recycle them, in reality, not all plastics are recyclable.

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Ordering takeout while trying to eliminate one's use of plastic is no easy task.

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Can you imagine not using anything plastic related for a whole week? Doing so may actually be much harder than you think!

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In this experiment, PM2.5 and carbon monoxide levels in a room are tested before and after the lighting of a cigarette.

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Professor Fan tells us how we can nurture a healthy mind and how it will improve our lives.

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Professor Fan discusses the idea of "Ren" and its importance in maintaining healthy relationships.

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Professor Fan tells us how we can all be content with nothingness.

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Professor Fan uses the process of birth and life to explain why there is never a need to fear pain.

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Professor Fan emphasizes the importance of rules and having a good grasp of such rules in everything we do.

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Professor Fan explains why you must anger someone to the point of tears during an argument.

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Professor Fan discusses how extreme changes in emotion can damage the "Qi" in the five viscera.

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Professor Fan discusses grief and the lungs as well as how immense fear affects our ability to control the kidneys.

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Professor Fan discusses the relationship between thought and the digestive system and why drivers who drive long distances have gastric problems.

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Professor Fan discusses the relationship between the liver and anger and its correlation with the irritability experienced by females during menstruation.

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A professor discusses human emotions and how they share a close and interconnected relationship with our internal organs.

Showing 95 of 95 videos
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