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Coins are traditionally incorporated into the Chinese New Year dumplings with a symbolic meaning.

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There are different ways to ask someone his or her name. For people who are older than us, "nin" should be used, while "ni" should be used for younger people.

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Nini learns that Tim is a music composer and Tim shares a song he created with her.

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Not a Common Day: It all starts with a simple greeting on a beautiful morning... Learn the vocabulary of a very basic introduction in this video.

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On their first date, Tim asks Nini about her family background and life.

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The cabbie reflects on her mother's advice verses what she chose to do with her life.

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The cabbie's daughter shares her aspirations of being a Dumpling cook.

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We see that some people can't accept the mother bringing her child in the cab. There's a flashback showing how the cabbie's mother disaproves. But some customers are fine with it.

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A mother brings her daughter to work. She works as a taxi driver.

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To make something past tense in Chinese is very simple. Just add "le" at the end and the sentence is now past tense.

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The handy sentence in learning Chinese is "what's this called in Chinese?"

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There are three ways to say thank you in Chinese depending on the person that you are thanking. And to say you are welcome, you can simply say "no thanks."

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The "is" word sentence is a very common sentence pattern in Chinese. Many sentences can be formed using this sentence structure.

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There are two ways of introducing people to others. One is more formal and the other is more causal.

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Would you ask for your present two weeks before your actual birthday?

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It's very easy to state the date in Chinese. All you need is the number plus the words "year," "month," and "day."

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After Mai Miao introduces Susan to her family, they happily celebrate the New Year.

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When Mai Miao returns home, everything finally becomes clear.

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