Showing 336 of 388 videos
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Zhu Hong's partner, Mister Zhang, wholeheartedly supports her in her endeavors.

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Zhu Hong and Mister Zhang were one of the luckier elderly couples that had the support and blessing of their children.

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Elderly people in Shanghai are finding their own ways to live their lives to the fullest.

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Listen to this make-believe story about how the twelve animals were selected to be the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. What terrible thing did the rat do to get its bad reputation and why do cats hate rats?!

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Learn everything you wanted to know about German Riesling but were afraid to ask.

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Learn everything you wanted to know about German Riesling but were afraid to ask.

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Superstitious people might have you believe that disturbing a pharaoh's tomb will curse you to die. But, is there a scientific explanation behind this phenomenon?

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What caused a Spanish tourist to pass out in the Great Pyramid? Could it be the Curse of the Pharaohs?

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People first started believing in the Curse of the Pharaohs when British Egyptologists found Tutankhamen's tomb in the 1920s and Lord Carnarvon died mysteriously shortly thereafter. What's the scientific explanation for his untimely demise?

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The Curse of the Pharaohs has apparently even struck people who have never entered the Egyptian tombs and was cited as the reason for the sinking of the Titanic.

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None of the explanations behind the Curse of the Pharaohs have been definitively proven as not everyone who has entered the tomb has succumbed to its fate. What are we to believe?

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Buddhist cave art was greatly influenced by Indian Buddhist art and emerged in China along with the spread of Buddhism starting in the Han Dynasty around the 1st Century A.D.

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What was the origin of China's famous Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Caves? Find out here.

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A continued exploration of some of the historical and artistic qualities of the famous Buddhist sculptures in China's Mogao Caves.

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Learn how the features of the Buddhist statues found in caves in China evolved throughout history.

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This clip takes us to the historical aesthetic of the breathtaking Fengxian Temple of the Longmen Caves, which contains the magnificent Lushena Buddha.

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This clip displays the exquisite beauty of the Dazu Grotto statues. They are unique in that they depict not only religious figures but also the peacefulness of secular life.

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This video shows the care and precision taken in the making of the Grand Buddha grotto statues, ultimately culminating in a stunning example of great artistry.

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We are introduced to two of China's most prized examples of celadon porcelain from the Song Dynasty.

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Captain Han and his team lie in wait for the grave robbers. What was it about the tombs that made him take their ransacking so seriously?

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Captain Han and his team lie in wait, but will the grave robbers ever appear?

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Captain Han comes up with an idea to ensnare the culprits in the case by having Xiong make a call to one of them, but things don't go according to plan.

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Lv is taken in for questioning, but there's something about his story and that of his accomplice, Qiu, that doesn't quite add up.

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Beneath the recovery of 199 stolen relics lies a great irony...

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