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Since ancient times, hairy crab has always been the top delicacy in China, especially in the southeast region. Many people love eating hairy crab, but not everyone knows how to eat it correctly. Find out what the best way is to eat this delicious delicacy.

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An overnight internet sensation, Xiao Bao is a child star who is already making his third film. However, there are challenges to being a child actor, both on and off of the set.

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Xiao Bao talks about how he was accepted by Michael Jackson's dance teacher and when he was first picked up by national and international TV shows.

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Xiao Bao's mother explains her thoughts on her son's road to stardom and how his father has contributed to his son's success.

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Xiao Bao's parents watch as their child rises into stardom, but still very much want to cherish every moment of his childhood.

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Children thank the country for their charitable efforts.

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Does cashmere come from sheep or goats?

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With an increasingly affluent population, more and more people in China are donating to NGOs or public welfare organizations. Where does the money go and what can be done to improve transparency in China's burgeoning NGO sector? Learn more in this informative video.

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Fang Chao is every Chinese parent's dream- or at least it appears that way.

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Love gives Fang Chao the courage to make an important decision.

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Upon learning about his secret, Fang Chao's parents force him out of the house.

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Names are one of the primary ways in which humans understand things. If the starting point is wrong, the destination is usually wrong as well. Hence, to eliminate discrimination, we should start with the "rectification of names."

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The idea of vegetarianism started in China thousands of years ago. So, let's find out why people started to become vegetarians.

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It feels good to start the New Year off with a bowl of veggie noodles.

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Longhua Temple's veggie noodles are a traditional dish that one eats for the New Year. Six hundred bowls of these noodles can be made in just one hour.

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As the most delicious vegetarian dishes come from the temples, a visit to one may be in order to try top vegetarian dishes.

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The Jade Buddhist Temple in Shanghai is famous for its vegetarian meals. It is a must-try if you are into veggie dishes.

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Behind every dish, there is a meaning. This vegetarian dish is called "Understand and Embrace."

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The lotus flower is a symbol of Buddhism. Therefore, a vegetarian dish is made with this concept in mind.

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One needs creativity to cook an impressive dish. The Bead Curtain is a very interesting vegetarian dish that uses aloe as its main ingredient.

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Olive Oil-Fried King Oyster Mushrooms: a simple but delicious dish.

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Getting the freshest ingredients is also a very important step in making delicious vegetarian dishes.

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Auntie Wang wastes no time in getting the freshest ingredients. She heads out at 2:30 am to go to the farmer's market in order to buy the freshest food.

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It is tough to get the best ingredients so that's why Auntie Huang started out early. And without taking any rest, Auntie Huang rushes back to the temple in preparation for the new day.

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