Despite meeting a 64 year-old man at 59 years of age, Wan Mei Ling claims Ni Sheng Rong is the man she's been waiting for her entire life.
Ying had no choice but to leave her boyfriend of four years after his daughter did not approve of their decision to get married.
In this episode of The 25th Hour, we first meet 82-year-old Wu Ren Di who is looking for love in his native Shanghai.
Getting the freshest ingredients is also a very important step in making delicious vegetarian dishes.
Annie recalls when she decided to begin her working life in Shanghai.
One needs creativity to cook an impressive dish. The Bead Curtain is a very interesting vegetarian dish that uses aloe as its main ingredient.
The lotus flower is a symbol of Buddhism. Therefore, a vegetarian dish is made with this concept in mind.
Behind every dish, there is a meaning. This vegetarian dish is called "Understand and Embrace."
The Jade Buddhist Temple in Shanghai is famous for its vegetarian meals. It is a must-try if you are into veggie dishes.
As the most delicious vegetarian dishes come from the temples, a visit to one may be in order to try top vegetarian dishes.
Longhua Temple's veggie noodles are a traditional dish that one eats for the New Year. Six hundred bowls of these noodles can be made in just one hour.
The idea of vegetarianism started in China thousands of years ago. So, let's find out why people started to become vegetarians.
In this experiment, PM2.5 and carbon monoxide levels in a room are tested before and after the lighting of a cigarette.
This video discusses the care taken in the remodeling of South Luogu Lane in order to preserve the charm of the ancient capital while also providing new tourist attractions and modern conveniences for its residents.
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