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This method not only brings financial help to the villagers, it also helps them mentally by bringing a sense of purpose to their lives.

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Each one of us who comes to the Bund is adding his or her own piece to a beautiful puzzle.

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As the saying goes, "It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him food." This is the way to get people out of poverty.

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The Astor House Hotel was the setting for the story of American journalist Helen Foster Snow.

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The story of the entire modern city of Shanghai began with the Bund.

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A self-professed introvert, the Butler discusses a swimming club he joined.

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Annie also works at an old European furniture shop that features items she and her husband have collected over the past several years.

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Having worked for other people her entire life, Annie has finally gone into business for herself, organizing weekend markets in Shanghai.

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A victim of domestic abuse has advice for those in a similar situation.

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A victim of domestic violence eventually forces herself into a doomed marriage.

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Former magazine editor, Yanni, resigned from her job to make short cooking videos, tackling a problem faced by those living alone.

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Shortly after her abortion, a young woman experiences rape at the hands of her boyfriend.

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A domestic abuse victim details the story of her unintended pregnancy with her then boyfriend.

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A victim of domestic violence explains how she met her eventual abuser.

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Meet Yanni, a former magazine editor whose inner voice tells her there's more to her life than the one she has known.

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Hidden in an alley in central Shanghai is a noodle shop owned by a man whom everyone calls "the Butler."

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What are the PM2.5 and carbon monoxide levels for a cigarette smoked inside a car?

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A car is pulled into a closed garage. What will be the effects of air pollution?

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Cigarette smoke and car exhaust go head to head in carbon monoxide and air pollution level comparisons.

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How serious is the pollution caused from smoking two cigarettes in a row?

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How do anti-mosquito lamps fare with human flesh in the room?

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Just how effective are anti-mosquito lamps in a room full of mosquitos?

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To test the effectiveness of anti-mosquito lamps on mosquitoes, we'll first need some mosquitoes.

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