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When do women start becoming afraid to admit their true age?

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Xiaolu explains why you shouldn't have to hide the truth about your age.

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Why should the responsibility to look youthful fall squarely on women?

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Xiaolu isn't buying into the ad campaigns when it comes to skincare.

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How much makeup does it take for a five-minute set on stage?

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It's not enough just to do your makeup these days, apparently.

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If makeup is so important, why do we learn it ourselves?

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While filming a video to show off their new home, Xue and Tai meet Fung, a real estate agent. Or is he?

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As they leave the house, Xue and Tai realize they've forgotten something.

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To avoid being discovered, Xue and Tai begin their act.

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Xue and Tai try to convince Feng that they aren't, in fact, who they said they were.

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Feng's real identity and motives are revealed.

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In an effort to help Feng, Tai makes a proposal.

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difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate
China Northeastern

Commercials Skoda

A funny ŠKODA advertising with a play on words. Watch and see if you can find the puns.

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Watch Sister Fei in action during wedding planning. And who do we have here? The infamous Lu Zi Qiao!

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When tradition meets modernity, does it create joyous sparks of harmony or the perfect recipe for disaster?

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It's like what they say: birds of a feather flock together. Introducing Chen Mei Jia!

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Zeng Xiao Xian finally takes his first call of the day, however, it's more than he bargained for.

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The boy gives the girl a really valuable, collectible gift, It's just not the gift she expected.

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Older sister's online business isn't doing well because she has many bad reviews. The group reads some of the hilariously bad reviews together, and Older sister realizes she's in the wrong business. She devises a plan to sell expensive Indian Love potion.

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Guan Gujun tells his friends of the good news: his cartoon is being bought by a Japanese publisher. His next goal is to find love. Mei Jia hopes that she will be considered, but she loses hope as he describes the type of woman he's interested in.

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Wan Yu wants to know more about the gift that Zhan Bo gave her. When she asks him, he wants to stress that this gift isn't a toy, but a collectible. Wan Yu sees the value of it differently and isn't interested in the history lesson Zhan Bo tries to give her about Transformers.

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