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Meet Yanni, a former magazine editor whose inner voice tells her there's more to her life than the one she has known.

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Former magazine editor, Yanni, resigned from her job to make short cooking videos, tackling a problem faced by those living alone.

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Having worked for other people her entire life, Annie has finally gone into business for herself, organizing weekend markets in Shanghai.

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Annie also works at an old European furniture shop that features items she and her husband have collected over the past several years.

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A self-professed introvert, the Butler discusses a swimming club he joined.

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Yanni organizes a small party for someone who has inspired her.

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Annie recalls when she decided to begin her working life in Shanghai.

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As Yanni prepares for a project, the Butler explains what "craft" means to him.

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The Butler describes his current stage in life.

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To keep up with the accumulation of items, Annie decides to open a shop.

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Once completed, Yanni Cai's "Meal for One" project gains substantial popularity.

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Chinese entrepreneurs share some advice for those seeking inspiration to do their own thing.

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To waste or not to waste: that is the question.

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There is more than one way to solve a problem. Look at things from different perspectives and maybe you'll be able to come up with even better solutions.

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Being kind is a choice. Be kind to the environment because our future generations will still have to live in it.

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Shiyin introduces a pair of contact lenses she finds work well for Hanfu styling.

Showing 240 of 599 videos
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