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In this video the professionals move on to talking about how exercise, even just a little bit of movement a day, can keep you healthier and happier.

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Health professionals explain that meat may have protein, but vegetables have it all. Processed foods should be avoided, and considering the season in which the fruit is ripe has better yields.

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Andrew, our health guru, explains why we shouldn't over emphasize the use of proteins in our diet.

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Master Andrew explains why digestion is so important to one's health.

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In this video, we meet Andrew, a specialist in vegetarian living who describes his process for living a simple and healthy life.

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This video talks about how wasteful it can be to shop excessively on Singles day. Not only do you not need so much stuff, it can be harmful to the environment.

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Zhang Xiaofei has everything she needs except for a boyfriend. In this video we meet a potential boyfriend candidate.

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Living in the political instability of the Wei, Jin, North-South dynasties was in itself an experience of great suffering. How did people like Xiaoming survive? The Buddhist ideas of submission and acceptance may have played a part.

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Submission and acceptance of the world is something to respect. There is a phrase in Lao Tzu's "Dao De Jing", "the sage is ruthless, to them ten thousand things are but straw dogs". This phrase doesn't necessarily denounce sages or monks but rather reveres them for their ability to accept things as they are, which in it own right is a remarkable ability.

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The expression that Buddha bears is one of deep peace, but where does this expression come from? What exactly is this so called, "deep peace" and how can we achieve this state of being?

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Let's compare the Beiqi Buddha to that of the Northern Wei! Who knew Buddha icons could represent the same ideology yet be so different visually. Take a look for yourself.

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How and why did does an icon of Buddha stop refugees in their tracks? Is is because of the religious symbolism behind the icon or is there more to this classic, ethereal icon?

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In the chaos and instability during Wei, Jin, and North-South dynasties people looked for hope and relief everywhere. When you have nothing how can you still have hope?

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This episodes is a continuation of our Art series! We will be talking about Chinese sculpture in the next few videos. Sculpture in China has a long history and even predates most Western sculpture.

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This house is an embodiment of its environmentally conscientious inhabitants, only fit to house those with a similar lifestyle.

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The house was designed with family in mind. Everything is suitable for both the adults and kids. Not only does this cut down on costs, but it also simply makes for a more comfortable home environment.

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Welcome home to Shanghai's most sustainable house! Built in the 1930s, this house has been remodeled to be a self-circulating and self-insulating home to a family of five.

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A pefumer describes the features of his exquisite home.

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Although the man isn't able to go home for the New Year, he has managed to find the taste of home.

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The waitress tries to help the man get back the taste of home.

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Innovation of a writing system occurs by creating a better version of what already exists, which is always related to one's national heritage.

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Designing a new font is extremely difficult, especially since there are thousands of characters in the Chinese language.

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