Showing 384 of 2035 videos
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Jianghan Pass, once a very popular spot for wedding photos, is now deserted.

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This Beijing Television segment introduces four categories of masks and situations where they're most useful.

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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest discusses what is dubbed "the selfish mask."

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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest explains which masks are ineffective against COVID-19.

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In this video the professionals move on to talking about how exercise, even just a little bit of movement a day, can keep you healthier and happier.

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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest explains which masks should be used under which situations.

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Health professionals explain that meat may have protein, but vegetables have it all. Processed foods should be avoided, and considering the season in which the fruit is ripe has better yields.

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In this Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic, a guest explains the effectiveness of a disposable medical mask.

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A doctor from a health clinic tells how he would rather have patience think about preventative care than treat people who are already sick. The key to curing disease is our good habits.

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A Beijing Television segment on the types of masks to use during the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Andrew, our health guru, explains why we shouldn't over emphasize the use of proteins in our diet.

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In this video, we demonstrate how to properly wear, remove and dispose of a medical mask.

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Master Andrew explains why digestion is so important to one's health.

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Kids meet people with different gender expressions and are asked to guess whether each person is an "uncle" or an "auntie."

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In this video we are asked to imagine our perfect life and all the thing's that accompany that.

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In this video, we meet Andrew, a specialist in vegetarian living who describes his process for living a simple and healthy life.

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in our guided meditation we imagine what it is we want to do today.

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The cabbie reflects on her mother's advice verses what she chose to do with her life.

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Wan Yu wants to know more about the gift that Zhan Bo gave her. When she asks him, he wants to stress that this gift isn't a toy, but a collectible. Wan Yu sees the value of it differently and isn't interested in the history lesson Zhan Bo tries to give her about Transformers.

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The cabbie's daughter shares her aspirations of being a Dumpling cook.

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Guan Gujun tells his friends of the good news: his cartoon is being bought by a Japanese publisher. His next goal is to find love. Mei Jia hopes that she will be considered, but she loses hope as he describes the type of woman he's interested in.

Showing 384 of 2035 videos
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