Showing 72 of 2003 videos
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Gao Ling eventually finds his way to Xinghuo Village, only to discover that it's not the Xinghuo Village he intended to reach.

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As he heads home, Gao Ling receives an unexpected call.

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Gao Ling makes amends with Yu Meng as he prepares for the challenge ahead.

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In this first installment in our "Death Train" series, acquaint yourself with some of the characters and watch as a high-class collectors' party gets hijacked by a gang of antique thieves.

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As the thieves attempt to take hostages and steal the goods, the police are hard at work trying to stop them. In the second video in our "Death Train" series, see what's going on with the law as the robbery is going down.

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In the third video in our "Death Train" series, watch as the police get together to analyze their suspects, go over the evidence, and formulate a strategy.

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The plot thickens as we learn that there are bigger names behind the thefts than simply the thieves themselves. Watch as our criminals meet with a potential "investor." Also, with an idea of where the thieves will strike next, the police continue to plan.

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With knowledge that the thieves may be coming through the airport, the police team at customs tries to be prepared. However, things aren't as easy as they might seem.

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Meanwhile, as our antique thieves find themselves at a disco, some thugs on the dance floor are having a hard time keeping their hands off of a certain beautiful member of the team.

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With video evidence of the thieves at work, the police take to analyzing the tapes and trying to gather any additional evidence they could use to capture their targets.

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In the eighth part of our "Death Train" series, watch as a father and daughter discuss potential field trips abroad, including a trip to our thieves' next traget- the local museum.

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As Dandan and her father peruse the exhibits at the museum, our thieves are hard at work discussing strategies, plotting escape routes and planning their upcoming heist.

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Meanwhile, a pair of travelers comes across a very interesting bowl which is in the hands of an elderly woman, who is completely unaware of its value. Watch as they take advantage of the situation - but don't think things will end so simply for the hopeful youths.

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It looks like our gang of antique thieves already had their eyes on the bowl our travelers "found" in the last episode. Watch as our sneaky thieves attempt to find a way to get their hands on the bowl themselves - legal or not.

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As our travelers realize they're out of luck, the thieves are back with the bowl intact. It also appears as though two of our criminals may be a little more than just colleagues.

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In order to appreciate wine, you have to start with the fundamentals. In this video, get a basic introduction to the world of fine wines.

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Before you even take your first sip of a wine, there’s a lot you need to know. From pouring, to swirling, to smelling, this video has it all.

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Just when you think you’re ready to sample a wine, there are a few essentials that you can’t forget. In this video, let Martin the expert fill you in on just exactly what they are.

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Martin and Zorro continue their exploration of red wine with a blind tasting session at The Wine Residence.

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If you are still wondering how to choose a wine that suits you best, do check out this clip.

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In this episode of, “The Connoisseur,” we get into the finer points of white wine tasting. Learn about the different wine-related vocabulary you’ll need to describe your white wines with the utmost sophistication and accuracy .

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In the conclusion to “The Connoisseur's" series on white wine, find out if our host was able to correctly match the wines to their descriptions. While you’re at it, learn even more about white wine and white wine culture.

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Marriage isn’t always about two people tying the knot. Sometimes, marriage is about the perfect pairing of food with wine. Here you’ll find a brief introduction into the art of picking the right wine for the right food.

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How exactly do you know which kinds of wines should be paired with which dishes? From Cabernets to Pinot Noirs, it’s not always so simple. In this video, learn about which wines were meant to go with which flavors and how to pair them properly.

Showing 72 of 2003 videos
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