Showing 24 of 129 videos
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The story of a different "fuerdai" (literally, "rich second generation" or the children of the nouveau riche): It all started with the popular messaging app, WeChat.

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The "different fuerdai" talks about how he started his business of selling cold noodles.

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In this video, we meet Andrew, a specialist in vegetarian living who describes his process for living a simple and healthy life.

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Master Andrew explains why digestion is so important to one's health.

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Andrew, our health guru, explains why we shouldn't over emphasize the use of proteins in our diet.

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Health professionals explain that meat may have protein, but vegetables have it all. Processed foods should be avoided, and considering the season in which the fruit is ripe has better yields.

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In this video the professionals move on to talking about how exercise, even just a little bit of movement a day, can keep you healthier and happier.

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This video discusses how to comprehensively create strong and lasting habits to maintain your health.

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We hear from another expert about how we can eat different types of grains and vegetables to make healthier choices.

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Our food researcher shares her knowledge about why eating too much protein is unnecessary and possibly harmful to our bodies.

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A nutritionist tells us about the different types of foods we should have to make a perfect plate for ourselves. She also connects our eating habits to climate change.

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We hear from a Chinese medicine expert about the benefits of lotus seeds.

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A Chinese medicine expert explains the hearts of lotus seeds have good health benefits by helping people "lower their inner heat."

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Big Brother Chen takes over a tea house that serves vegetarian food. This change in business gives him a change of heart as he enthusiastically espouses the virtues of a plant based diet.

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Big brother Chen tells us how the food made in his restaurants, although it is all veggie, has the taste and texture of meat. He thinks this brings in more customers and brings people around on the idea of being vegetarian.

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The owner of the restaurant that serves meat dishes made from vegetables, Chen, explains his new found philosophy gained from running the restaurant.

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What kinds of things do you like to do for vacation - particularly winter vacations? Going to a hot spring is surely a favorite choice. Well, what kinds of things should you think about before going on a hot spring vacation? This episode of "Yummy Yummy" gives you some pointers - including what to eat and what not to!

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Which soup is the best during winter? Watch as Chef Fu shows us his very special soup with 雪莲果 (xuelianguo, or “yacón”). Yacón looks like a yam, but tastes like an apple. It is also the hot new ingredient being added to soups all over China. Watch and see what customers think of it!

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What do chameleons and rice balls have in common? Find out in this video about creative ways of making food more interesting!

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In this video, we finish up with the colored rice balls and move on to another fun snack - donuts! Donuts are becoming more and more popular in China, and they aren't your plain old boring donuts, either. Learn all about 甜甜圈, or tiántiánquān, in China!

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Is it a restaurant? A toy store? Both? Learn all about this adorable dessert shop in China where you can get more than just a meal.

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You might think that a restaurant that offers dolls in exchange for points would be more attractive to women than to men. However, you might be wrong! See what everyone finds so fun about this place, from the design all the way to buns that look like pigs!

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In the doll restaurant, there is one dessert that stands out, and that's the strawberry smoothies! They aren't your normal, boring old smoothies, either. Watch this video and see why everyone is eating them.

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This warm, clean, and, of course, delicious Taiwanese restaurant would normally be a real wallet-drainer. Fortunately, with the help of group buying, many of the dishes here can be sampled at a fraction of the usual price. Watch this video and check out some of the exquisite, yet affordable, dishes on offer.

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