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Learn how the story of two impostors inspired the idiom, "To catch a turtle in a jar" (To go after easy prey).

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Learn how a trusting shepherd inspired the idiom, "To usher the wolf into the house" (To ask for trouble).

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The idiom, "Cheng ren zhi mei," is explained through a story. It essentially means that we should help others succeed rather than pointing out their faults.

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The antagonist of the story, Wan Renxian, still hasn't learned to "Cheng ren zhi mei," laughing at his neighbor when he injures himself. However, when he is given another golden opportunity to do a good deed, the question becomes, will he finally take it?

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When Wan Renxian comes through at a time when he is most needed, his neighbors' reaction to his kindness isn't quite what he expects. Like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," no one is willing to believe that this time, he is really telling the truth.

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Having discovered Wan Renxian's act of kindness, his neighbors apologize and thank him. Just as with the old fortune teller, Wan Renxian should be given a chance to right his wrongs. Such is the meaning of “Cheng ren zhi mei.”

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Learn the story behind the idiom, "To exhort people to do good."

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Learn the story behind the idiom, “To exhort people to do good.”

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Learn the story behind the idiom, “To exhort people to do good.”

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Learn the story behind the idiom, “To exhort people to do good.”

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A tale which demonstrates the importance of not judging others’ strengths and weaknesses in accordance with our own and doing unto others as we would have done unto ourselves. Part 1.

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A tale which demonstrates the importance of not judging others’ strengths and weaknesses in accordance with our own and doing unto others as we would have done unto ourselves. Part 2.

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A tale which demonstrates the importance of not judging others’ strengths and weaknesses in accordance with our own and doing unto others as we would have done unto ourselves. Part 3.

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Confucius explains to his disciples what is good and what is evil, but there are also right and wrong ways to be good. How can good be right or wrong?

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A year has gone by and the scoundrel is still up to no good. However, when his evil deeds finally culminate in his capture, the Prime Minister does not rejoice in this news.

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Confucious teaches his disciples that just as benevolence can bring about evil deeds, so can malevolence lead to good ones.

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Confucious explains to his students that there is wrong in right, but also right in wrong and that they must understand this in order to understand good and evil.

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An interesting and didactic story about a young man who tries to make money dishonestly and learns his lesson.

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"Peach Blossom Utopia" received the Best Short Film Award at the 2006 Handsome Monkey Animation Awards in China. In the same year, at the DigiCon 6+2 Contest sponsored by Japan Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc., it received the First Place Golden Award.

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This fisherman lives by the bank of Wuling River. Life has been hard for him. However, one day, a miracle happens.

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The fisherman accidentally stumbles into a place that looks a lot like utopia, where he is welcomed and treated like an honorable guest.

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The fisherman thinks he must be in heaven upon stumbling into new locale where the people entertain him with copious amounts of their best food and wine. Here, there is neither a government nor taxes looming over them and people treat one other with mutual love and respect.

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The fisherman has to leave, but also wants to make sure that he can return to this wonderful place. What can he do?

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Was the fisherman deceiving the others and/or himself? Did they find utopia in the end? Watch and find out.

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