Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
to pull; to play (a bowed instrument); to drag; to draw; to chat
qún group; crowd; flock, herd, pack etc
qún variant of 群[qun2]
zhà piàn to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail
xīn new; newly; meso- (chemistry)
Xīn abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]; surname Xin
tào lù sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method
to pull; to play (a bowed instrument); to drag; to draw; to chat
qún group; crowd; flock, herd, pack etc
qún variant of 群[qun2]
诈骗 zhà piàn to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail
xīn new; newly; meso- (chemistry)
Xīn abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]; surname Xin
套路 tào lù sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method