Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
jì shēng chóng parasite; drone
variant of 霸[ba4]
hegemon; tyrant; lord; feudal chief; to rule by force; to usurp; (in modern advertising) master
bīng see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2]
bǐng to get rid of; to put aside; to reject; to keep control; to hold (one's breath)
píng (standing) screen
pái míng ranking; ordered list; to rank nth out of 100; to be placed; roll of honor
寄生虫 jì shēng chóng parasite; drone
variant of 霸[ba4]
hegemon; tyrant; lord; feudal chief; to rule by force; to usurp; (in modern advertising) master
bīng see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2]
bǐng to get rid of; to put aside; to reject; to keep control; to hold (one's breath)
píng (standing) screen
排名 pái míng ranking; ordered list; to rank nth out of 100; to be placed; roll of honor