Yabla video uses of 战胜

中国 Zhōngguó
大妈 dàmā
战胜 zhànshèng
华尔街 Huá'ěrjiē
大鳄 dà'è
说法 shuōfǎ
迅速 xùnsù
传播 chuánbō
the "dama" beat the Wall Street crocodile as the fastest spreading term.
但是 dànshì
觉得 juéde
最重要 zuìzhòngyào
还是 háishì
在于 zàiyú
战胜 zhànshèng
自己 zìjǐ
每一 měiyī
没有 méiyǒu
进步 jìnbù
But, I think the most important thing is still to overcome oneself… each time, did I improve or not?
觉得 juéde
重要的是 zhòngyàodeshì
战胜 zhànshèng
自己 zìjǐ
挑战 tiǎozhàn
自己 zìjǐ
I think the most important thing is to overcome oneself, challenge oneself.