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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
tg 交流
jiāo liú to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb)
qún group; crowd; flock, herd, pack etc
qún variant of 群[qun2]
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
shén me what?; who?; something; anything
交流 jiāo liú to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb)
qún group; crowd; flock, herd, pack etc
qún variant of 群[qun2]
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
什么 shén me what?; who?; something; anything