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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
qq 浏览器
liú lǎn qì browser (software)
not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-; -less
hén scar; traces
zěn me how?; what?; why?
zěn me variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
shè zhì to set up; to install
浏览器 liú lǎn qì browser (software)
not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-; -less
hén scar; traces
怎么 zěn me how?; what?; why?
zěn me variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
设置 shè zhì to set up; to install