Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
bk 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
tp 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
xū nǐ to imagine; to make up; fictitious; theoretical; hypothetical; (computing) to emulate; virtual
money; coins; currency; silk
jiāo yì (business) transaction; business deal; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
xǐ hēi qián money laundering
imToken 最新
zuì xīn latest; newest
wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
qǐng to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); to request
fù zhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
dào to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive; (verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
liú lǎn qì browser (software)
dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
bk 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
tp 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
LkUCxjHwbk 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
tp 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
lCOuteXubk 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
tp 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
hún confused; dirty; to mix; muddy; variant of 渾|浑[hun2]
hùn to mix; to mingle; muddled; to drift along; to muddle along; to pass for; to get along with sb; thoughtless; reckless
money; coins; currency; silk
jiān zhí to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting
imToken 最新
zuì xīn latest; newest
wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
qǐng to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); to request
fù zhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
dào to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive; (verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
liú lǎn qì browser (software)
dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
bk 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
tp 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
Kuí one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology; Chinese mythical figure who invented music and dancing; Chinese rain god; surname Kui
shǐ history; annals; title of an official historian in ancient China
Shǐ surname Shi
gàn to work; to do; to manage
gān to concern; to interfere; shield; stem
gān old variant of 乾|干[gan1]
gān variant of 乾|干[gan1]
gàn tree trunk; main part of sth; to manage; to work; to do; capable; cadre; to kill (slang); to fuck (vulgar)
Gān surname Gan
gān dry; clean; in vain; dried food; foster; adoptive; to ignore
5p9eIurkbk 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
tp 钱包
qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
可以 kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
虚拟 xū nǐ to imagine; to make up; fictitious; theoretical; hypothetical; (computing) to emulate; virtual
money; coins; currency; silk
交易 jiāo yì (business) transaction; business deal; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
洗黑钱 xǐ hēi qián money laundering
最新 zuì xīn latest; newest
网址 wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
qǐng to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); to request
复制 fù zhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
dào to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive; (verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
浏览器 liú lǎn qì browser (software)
打开 dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
可以 kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
可以 kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
可以 kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
hún confused; dirty; to mix; muddy; variant of 渾|浑[hun2]
hùn to mix; to mingle; muddled; to drift along; to muddle along; to pass for; to get along with sb; thoughtless; reckless
money; coins; currency; silk
兼职 jiān zhí to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting
最新 zuì xīn latest; newest
网址 wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
qǐng to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); to request
复制 fù zhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
dào to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive; (verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
浏览器 liú lǎn qì browser (software)
打开 dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
可以 kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
Kuí one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology; Chinese mythical figure who invented music and dancing; Chinese rain god; surname Kui
shǐ history; annals; title of an official historian in ancient China
Shǐ surname Shi
gàn to work; to do; to manage
gān to concern; to interfere; shield; stem
gān old variant of 乾|干[gan1]
gān variant of 乾|干[gan1]
gàn tree trunk; main part of sth; to manage; to work; to do; capable; cadre; to kill (slang); to fuck (vulgar)
Gān surname Gan
gān dry; clean; in vain; dried food; foster; adoptive; to ignore
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
可以 kě yǐ can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good
zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm; classifier for repeated actions
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
钱包 qián bāo purse; wallet
ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine