Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
guān government official; governmental; official; public; organ of the body; CL:個|个[ge4]
Guān surname Guan
wǎng net; network
,bbin 平台
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
dà quán all-inclusive; complete; comprehensive collection
,bbin 平台
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
Zhí surname Zhi; Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
yíng camp; barracks; battalion; to build; to operate; to manage; to strive for
wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
,【bbin 网址
wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
he666com】bbin 博彩
bó cǎi lottery
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
,bbin 平台
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
dà quán all-inclusive; complete; comprehensive collection
,bbin 下载
xià zǎi to download; also pr. [xia4 zai4]
,bbin 体育
tǐ yù sports; physical education
tóu zhù to throw one's energies (into an activity); to invest one's emotions (in sth); to bet; betting
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
,bbin 视讯
shì xùn video (Tw)
zhí bō live broadcast (not recorded); direct Internet broadcasting; (agriculture) direct seeding
,bbin 电子游戏
diàn zǐ yóu xì computer and video games
shì to test; to try; experiment; examination; test
wán variant of 玩[wan2]; Taiwan pr. [wan4]
wán to play; to have fun; to trifle with; toy; sth used for amusement; curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4]); to keep sth for entertainment
,bbin 彩票
cǎi piào lottery ticket
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
,bbin 赌博
dǔ bó to gamble
wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
, 在线
zài xiàn online
bó cǎi lottery
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
fù zhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
guān government official; governmental; official; public; organ of the body; CL:個|个[ge4]
Guān surname Guan
wǎng net; network
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
大全 dà quán all-inclusive; complete; comprehensive collection
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
Zhí surname Zhi; Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
yíng camp; barracks; battalion; to build; to operate; to manage; to strive for
网站 wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
网址 wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
博彩 bó cǎi lottery
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
大全 dà quán all-inclusive; complete; comprehensive collection
下载 xià zǎi to download; also pr. [xia4 zai4]
体育 tǐ yù sports; physical education
投注 tóu zhù to throw one's energies (into an activity); to invest one's emotions (in sth); to bet; betting
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
视讯 shì xùn video (Tw)
直播 zhí bō live broadcast (not recorded); direct Internet broadcasting; (agriculture) direct seeding
电子游戏 diàn zǐ yóu xì computer and video games
shì to test; to try; experiment; examination; test
wán variant of 玩[wan2]; Taiwan pr. [wan4]
wán to play; to have fun; to trifle with; toy; sth used for amusement; curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4]); to keep sth for entertainment
彩票 cǎi piào lottery ticket
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
赌博 dǔ bó to gamble
网站 wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
在线 zài xiàn online
博彩 bó cǎi lottery
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
复制 fù zhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
打开 dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on