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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
2024 欧洲杯
Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
tóu zhù to throw one's energies (into an activity); to invest one's emotions (in sth); to bet; betting
wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
tuī jiàn to recommend; recommendation
wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
shǒu hand; (formal) to hold; person engaged in certain types of work; person skilled in certain types of work; personal(ly); convenient; classifier for skill; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
shū to lose; to transport; to donate; to enter (a password)
欧洲杯 Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
投注 tóu zhù to throw one's energies (into an activity); to invest one's emotions (in sth); to bet; betting
网站 wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
推荐 tuī jiàn to recommend; recommendation
网址 wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
shǒu hand; (formal) to hold; person engaged in certain types of work; person skilled in certain types of work; personal(ly); convenient; classifier for skill; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
shū to lose; to transport; to donate; to enter (a password)