打开 |
dǎ kāi |
to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on |
科普 |
kē pǔ |
popular science; popularization of science; abbr. of 科學普及|科学普及 |
一下 |
yī xià |
(used after a verb) give it a go; to do (sth for a bit to give it a try); one time; once; in a while; all of a sudden; all at once |
新 |
xīn |
new; newly; meso- (chemistry) |
Xīn |
abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]; surname Xin |
澳门 |
Ào mén |
Macao; Aomen; Macau |
金沙 |
Jīn shā |
Jinsha county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou; Chinsha town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan |
网上 |
wǎng shàng |
online |
赌场 |
dǔ chǎng |
casino |
的 |
de |
of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis) |
dí |
really and truly |
dì |
aim; clear |
dī |
see 的士[di1 shi4] |
百科 |
bǎi kē |
universal; encyclopedic; abbr. for 百科全書|百科全书[bai3 ke1 quan2 shu1] |