Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
na66net 欧洲杯
Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
péi to compensate for loss; to indemnify; to suffer a financial loss
shuài to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually
rate; frequency
rate; frequency
Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
péi to compensate for loss; to indemnify; to suffer a financial loss
shuài to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually
rate; frequency
rate; frequency
guān fāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority)
wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
欧洲杯 Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
péi to compensate for loss; to indemnify; to suffer a financial loss
shuài to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually
rate; frequency
rate; frequency
欧洲杯 Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
péi to compensate for loss; to indemnify; to suffer a financial loss
shuài to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually
rate; frequency
rate; frequency
官方 guān fāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority)
网站 wǎng zhàn website; network station; node