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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
jìng xiàng mirror image
kè lóng clone (loanword)
yìng pán hard disk
zěn me how?; what?; why?
zěn me variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
yòng to use; to employ; to have to; to eat or drink; expense or outlay; usefulness; hence; therefore
镜像 jìng xiàng mirror image
克隆 kè lóng clone (loanword)
硬盘 yìng pán hard disk
怎么 zěn me how?; what?; why?
zěn me variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
yòng to use; to employ; to have to; to eat or drink; expense or outlay; usefulness; hence; therefore