xī fāng
the West
the Occident
Western countries
dōng xī fāng
east and west
east to west
dōng xī fāng wén huà
Eastern and Western culture
xī fāng jí lè shì jiè
Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or Sukhavati (Sanskrit)
xī fāng mǎ nǎo yán bìng dú
western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus
xī fāng páo
roe deer
capreolus capreolus
Xī fāng
the West
the Occident
Western countries
xī fāng sōng jī
(bird species of China) western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
xī fāng bīn yù
(bird species of China) western sandpiper (Calidris mauri)
xī fāng yāng jī
(bird species of China) water rail (Rallus aquaticus)