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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
lái name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc); Chenopodium album
wēi power; might; prestige
zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
Zhí surname Zhi; Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
ptt : 微信
Wēi xìn Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4])
:imnuwang bmi
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
shén what
shí ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc); assorted; miscellaneous
shén what
Nán tóu shì Nantou city in central Taiwan, capital of Nantou county
jiǎn féi to lose weight
àn to press; to push; to leave aside or shelve; to control; to restrain; to keep one's hand on; to check or refer to; according to; in the light of; (of an editor or author) to make a comment
how; which
na (particle equivalent to 啊 after noun ending in -n)
něi which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier)
xué wèi acupuncture point
Zhú shān zhèn Zhushan or Chushan town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan
zěn how
to go; to go to (a place); (of a time etc) last; just passed; to send; to remove; to get rid of; to reduce; to be apart from in space or time; to die (euphemism); to play (a part); (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth; (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker); (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
jiǎn féi to lose weight
Dà liáo Taliao township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4]
Ōu surname Ou
yǒu xiào effective; in effect; valid
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
féi fat; fertile; loose-fitting or large; to fertilize; to become rich by illegal means; fertilizer; manure
cāo old variant of 操[cao1]
cāo to grasp; to hold; to operate; to manage; to control; to steer; to exercise; to drill (practice); to play; to speak (a language)
cào variant of 肏[cao4]
fǎn contrary; in reverse; inside out or upside down; to reverse; to return; to oppose; opposite; against; anti-; to rebel; to use analogy; instead; abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system
to use; by means of; according to; in order to; because of; at (a certain date or place)
old variant of 以[yi3]
old variant of 以[yi3]
abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]
jiǎn féi to lose weight
xiǎo small; tiny; few; young
pēi yá bud; sprout; germ
jiǎn féi to lose weight
Wáng surname Wang
wáng king or monarch; best or strongest of its type; grand; great
wàng to rule; to reign over
zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de5]); him; her; it
hěn (adverb of degree); quite; very; awfully
big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; older (than); oldest; eldest; greatly; very much; (dialect) father; father's elder or younger brother
dài see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
lái name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc); Chenopodium album
wēi power; might; prestige
zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
Zhí surname Zhi; Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
微信 Wēi xìn Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4])
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
shén what
shí ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc); assorted; miscellaneous
shén what
南投市 Nán tóu shì Nantou city in central Taiwan, capital of Nantou county
减肥 jiǎn féi to lose weight
àn to press; to push; to leave aside or shelve; to control; to restrain; to keep one's hand on; to check or refer to; according to; in the light of; (of an editor or author) to make a comment
how; which
na (particle equivalent to 啊 after noun ending in -n)
něi which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier)
穴位 xué wèi acupuncture point
竹山镇 Zhú shān zhèn Zhushan or Chushan town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan
zěn how
to go; to go to (a place); (of a time etc) last; just passed; to send; to remove; to get rid of; to reduce; to be apart from in space or time; to die (euphemism); to play (a part); (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth; (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker); (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
减肥 jiǎn féi to lose weight
大寮 Dà liáo Taliao township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4]
Ōu surname Ou
有效 yǒu xiào effective; in effect; valid
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
féi fat; fertile; loose-fitting or large; to fertilize; to become rich by illegal means; fertilizer; manure
cāo old variant of 操[cao1]
cāo to grasp; to hold; to operate; to manage; to control; to steer; to exercise; to drill (practice); to play; to speak (a language)
cào variant of 肏[cao4]
fǎn contrary; in reverse; inside out or upside down; to reverse; to return; to oppose; opposite; against; anti-; to rebel; to use analogy; instead; abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system
to use; by means of; according to; in order to; because of; at (a certain date or place)
old variant of 以[yi3]
old variant of 以[yi3]
abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]
减肥 jiǎn féi to lose weight
xiǎo small; tiny; few; young
胚芽 pēi yá bud; sprout; germ
减肥 jiǎn féi to lose weight
Wáng surname Wang
wáng king or monarch; best or strongest of its type; grand; great
wàng to rule; to reign over
zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de5]); him; her; it
hěn (adverb of degree); quite; very; awfully
big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; older (than); oldest; eldest; greatly; very much; (dialect) father; father's elder or younger brother
dài see 大夫[dai4 fu5]