Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from
variant of 褲|裤[ku4]
underpants; trousers; pants
ba (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume.
bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or providing Internet access etc); to puff (on a pipe etc); (onom.) bang; abbr. for 貼吧|贴吧[tie1 ba1]
jīng pǐn quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art)
guó chǎn made in one's own country; made in China
dǎo háng navigation
miǎn fèi free (of charge)
tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from
variant of 褲|裤[ku4]
underpants; trousers; pants
ba (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume.
bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or providing Internet access etc); to puff (on a pipe etc); (onom.) bang; abbr. for 貼吧|贴吧[tie1 ba1]
jīng pǐn quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art)
guó chǎn made in one's own country; made in China
dǎo háng navigation
miǎn fèi free (of charge)
dǒu to tremble; to shake out; to reveal; to make it in the world
yīn sound; noise; note (of musical scale); tone; news; syllable; reading (phonetic value of a character)
zhàng hào account; username
chū shòu to sell; to offer for sale; to put on the market
xiǎo hào trumpet; small size (clothes etc); (coll.) number one; to urinate; (humble) our store
www·956k·com 国产
guó chǎn made in one's own country; made in China
Yà zhōu Asia; abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1]
abbr. for 日本[Ri4 ben3], Japan
sun; day; date, day of the month
Hán Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄; Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897; Korea, esp. South Korea 大韓民國|大韩民国; surname Han
èr two; 2; (Beijing dialect) stupid
area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4]
Ōu surname Ou
zài xiàn online
dǎo háng navigation
fēi to fly
suō shuttle (textiles); to move back and fro
jiāo yì suǒ exchange; stock exchange
wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL
tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from
variant of 褲|裤[ku4]
underpants; trousers; pants
ba (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume.
bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or providing Internet access etc); to puff (on a pipe etc); (onom.) bang; abbr. for 貼吧|贴吧[tie1 ba1]
精品 jīng pǐn quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art)
国产 guó chǎn made in one's own country; made in China
导航 dǎo háng navigation
免费 miǎn fèi free (of charge)
tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from
variant of 褲|裤[ku4]
underpants; trousers; pants
ba (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume.
bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or providing Internet access etc); to puff (on a pipe etc); (onom.) bang; abbr. for 貼吧|贴吧[tie1 ba1]
精品 jīng pǐn quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art)
国产 guó chǎn made in one's own country; made in China
导航 dǎo háng navigation
免费 miǎn fèi free (of charge)
dǒu to tremble; to shake out; to reveal; to make it in the world
yīn sound; noise; note (of musical scale); tone; news; syllable; reading (phonetic value of a character)
账号 zhàng hào account; username
出售 chū shòu to sell; to offer for sale; to put on the market
小号 xiǎo hào trumpet; small size (clothes etc); (coll.) number one; to urinate; (humble) our store
国产 guó chǎn made in one's own country; made in China
亚洲 Yà zhōu Asia; abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1]
abbr. for 日本[Ri4 ben3], Japan
sun; day; date, day of the month
Hán Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄; Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897; Korea, esp. South Korea 大韓民國|大韩民国; surname Han
èr two; 2; (Beijing dialect) stupid
area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4]
Ōu surname Ou
在线 zài xiàn online
导航 dǎo háng navigation
fēi to fly
suō shuttle (textiles); to move back and fro
交易所 jiāo yì suǒ exchange; stock exchange
网址 wǎng zhǐ website; web address; URL