Qiān niú
Altair (star)
Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女
qiān niú
morning glory (Pharbitis nil)
qiān niú huā
white-edged morning glory
Qiān niú xīng
Altair (star)
Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女
qiān niú shǔ
Pharbitis, genus of herbaceous plants including Morning glory 牽牛|牵牛 (Pharbitis nil)
bā wū qiān niú
to sack the home and lead off the cattle (proverb)
to strip of everything